Fishing Reports


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first day back
posted by Cap't Dicki for 05/03/2015


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It was good to be back out n the ocean again. we have been hauled out for the last two weeks painting the boat and installing a new rudder and a new prop. Both of which are doing an outstanding job. The fishing was a little on the slow side after the last nor'easter. There was a big swell left over causing the gulf stream to shove out from the area we had been catching the fish in. This left us way out in the deep scrapping for the bites we had. We managed 11 tunas but only four were keepers. We also caught 3 nice dolphin to add to the catch. We were part of a large group of anglers that Ray Kerber brought to us from Pennsylvania. Thanks Ray. Look for fishing to pick back up this week as the winds shift to the southwest and remain light. 
we have a very few days left open this month and only two available for June. It be a good idea to book now for July while there are choice dates available. 
Capt. Dick


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